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This several months, I have find much information about Chanel.
May be those information are only find from the internet, but it is really difficult to tidy up!
Also, color of the collection are much! To make the color story is difficult as I don't know how to use PS...==
But this research brings me much too. I know that to understand a brand is difficult, to tidy up information and to analysis are important.
After tidy up and analysis, we think about the brand much, it is not only reading, we can remember, understand the idea of the designers more.
If without this homework, I never try to find the findings and never try to understand  a brand.
So this is the last post for the homework, but I think I will try my best to understand other brands.


Forecast for 2010 color using of Chanel

2006  R.T.W. F/W

2007 R.T.W. S/S

2007 R.T.W. F/W





From the research we make,we find out the color used by chanel in every season. 
The most used color must be white and black. 
So they must be used in the next season.

Moreover grey is also used much, but there always different value.
In 2009 Haute Conture s/s use many grey. I think in the next season the proportion of using grey will be reduced form 4 to 1~2 only.

Also, pink is using more and more as Chanel want to target young women. So pink will still consist in the next season, but what is the intensity of pink, it may depend on the season, as we can see in the above research, the intensity will be higher in the F/W, but low intensity in the S/S, so it might still be a law to Chanel. 

In the research we find that red is always used in F/W. 
In 2009 pre-fall, red becomes the main color, however, I think Pink will replace its place because the target of Chanel has changed from mature women to young women.So in the next season, red might only appears on some accessories only.

Blue and green are not always appeard in Chanel's collection. And they only appear in F/W. However, because a high intensity blue has been used in pre fall 2009, blue may use more in 2010 F/W too but in a low intensity. 

street fashion icon4

This is the last entry about the street fashion icon.
Actually it is really hard to find a special wearing in the street. Everyone seems wearing the same style... Why should be like this?! Can it be changed? Also in my mind HK is an international city, why everyone is the same, follow the same trend! It is really boring==
Tomorrow, I must group up all my group's information to do the forecaste, it must a hard work.... I must spend whole day =W= Try my best!!!!OSH!!!!

street fashion icon3