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Forecast for 2010 color using of Chanel

street fashion icon4

Chanel perfume--Coco Mademoiselle
chanel perfume--chanel no5

Chanel---long time ago==
Karl Lagerfeld a réalisé un court-métrage autour de la figure iconique de Coco Chanel. Ce film muet se focalise sur deux moments charnières de la vie de la créatrice : l'ouverture de la première boutique Gabrielle Chanel en 1913 à Deauville et l'apogée de sa carrière en Russie 10 ans plus tard.
Ce film tourné en deux jours à Paris ne comporte pas d'acteurs professionnels mais le mannequin lituanien Edita Vilkeviciute et même le garde du corps de Lagerfeld qui y joue un général russe. L'extrait proposé est un teaser, le film est visible en intégralité sur la chaine "Chanel".
En attendant de voir Audrey Tautou incarner Coco Chanel au cinéma l'an prochain...
Karl Lagerfeld carried out a short-measuring around figure the iconic Chanel Coconut. This silent film is focused at two time hinges of the life of the creative one: the opening of the first shop Gabrielle Chanel in 1913 in Deauville and the apogee of its career in Russia 10 years later. This film made in two days in Paris does not comprise professional actors but the Lithuanian mannequin Edita Vilkeviciute and even it bodyguard of Lagerfeld which plays a Russian general there. The extract suggested is a teaser, the film is visible in integrality on the chains “Chanel”. While waiting to see Audrey Tautou incarnating Chanel Coconut with the cinema the next year…
class exercise

Split Complimentary Color Scheme
Similar to complimentary but chooses the adjacent colors 30º each way of the compliment.

Saturation Contrast
various levels of fullness, same hue which means the blue.
Analogic Color Scheme
It uses 2 adjacent colors. The base color plus two colors 30º either side. The distance (degrees can be adjusted for different effects)
Class exercise--- Designing a feedback form
2. Did any items you buy today do not match your favourite color?
3. What kind of fashion magazines do you study?
4. Which brand name is your favourite?
5. Do you want to have any change of your style or dressing? If yes, why not change it now?
Class exercise---Consumers' lifestyles & mass customization
She is causal and netual who was in grey purple sweater, purple shirt and a jeans in black.
She also wore shoes with checked ship on it. She told me that she loves purple, black, white and grey which was totally match with her dressing as she carried a grey leather bag. She is not in crazy with brand name dressing as she didn't put on any brand named clothes but only a LV wallet. That means she might able to afford little brand named product but do not in love with them!
Schoolmate B----
She is more causal than Schoolmate A. She wore a white sport's jacket with a white T-shirt and a pair of black trousers. She may not in love with sport but sport wear are easy to carry. That means she may not want a headache because thinking about the daily dressing. The color she wore are also perfect match with her favourite colors--- white, black and grey.
Schoolmate C---
He is another person with a nice, causal style. However he may love with some middle class brand named clothing. He wore a DCG black man's jacket and a 5cm trousers in grey color that day. Only his wearing cannot show his favourite color--- black, white, green, yellow and orange.
It shows men enjoy having many lovers!